Wednesday 5 October 2011

~Random Pick from SOMEONE

Lesley Meets God

There was a time when he liked the sunshine, when happy songs were beautiful, when people didn’t break his heart, and that was when he was happiest. He broke, stumbling through the door, out of the dark bar and into the blinding sunshine. Wiping the alcohol stained sweat from his brow he walked slowly and surly as only a drunk man can, towards his car, scrapping his keys in the lock adding more scratches before he realized it was unlocked. Dizzy and drunk he swayed, nearly slamming his head into the door. Fumbling with the keys in the ignition, he prayed silently for rain. Turning on the crooning gruff old drunkard and rolling slowly out of his parking space. A police officer was parked near by, saw the car sway and flipped his lights on. And that was the night that Lesley O’ hAthairne met God.
He had jet black hair and no facial hair. Lesley had fire red hair and a beard that nested several Irish Setters. God leaned down and looked through the window, almost falling backwards on his ass at the stench of liquor flowing from the car. He held his breath and asked for Lesley’s license. Lesley sifted through a pile of papers on the floor of the old ‘55 before finding a small, piece of plastic between a bill for electricity and a receipt for a flesh light. “Here ya go off-” he breathed deep “officer.” God smiled and looked that the plastic, it was an expired credit card, but he knew who the man was. He is fucking God after all. “Sir, you are quite drunk.” “Siirr” Lesley mocked “I’m a drunk, its what I do.” God chuckled and walked back to his cruiser.
God’s cruiser is not anything like a regular police cruiser, so deal with the random shit that he knows about our friendly, Irish drunk, Lesley.
Lesley was in the army. He was a grunt. He drinks to forget the faces of the people that he has killed and because he believes that he should have died with his platoon when they were ambushed in Kandahar. Lesley believes that God hates him and that one of these days he will kill him and send him straight to hell. Lesley was once a brilliant poet until love broke his heart. Lesley once married the woman he loved, a gorgeous brunette with fire in her eyes, because her boyfriend got her pregnant and ran away. Lesley still missed the touch of the first girl he loved. Lesley once saved a life. Lesley is the son of a bastard pastor. Lesley is dying man, and he is chasing the bullet that missed him in that small valley in the middle of bumfuck Afaghanistan. Lesley wants nothing more than to fall in love and be happy, but he believes that love has forsaken him. Lesley is a broken, repulsive man with his heart on his sleeve, tears on his streaming down his face and he hopes that the officer will impound his car, throw him in jail where he will be murdered by the British.
But the officer is God, and God let him go with a warning.

Please Don't Kill Yourself

Say you’ll tuck away your terrible doubt
So you can’t have it, but I can have it out
So use in saying, “you’re always mean to see”
An eye of dying crushing cyanide sing softly for me

To drink till I can’t see but black,
And whisper say, “that’s all I ever lacked?”
Trust you, and whatever you tried to say -
Just run in veins on lain old yesterday

Ain’t it a bitch, a kick in the head
And you, and all you do instead
Say you’ll stand and steal your mother’s pride
But die in folds of an insufferable time

Tuesday 4 October 2011

A Shitboy try to be a Playboy (Part 1)

Once Upon a Time there was a kind boy i ever meet since these day! his name is Ramsey! he's try to be perfect in girls eyes!
when he find out a girl like or even love him, he always make the girl falling hard with him! with ROMANTIC LINE IN
the girl name was Dylan. Dylan get more AFFECTION from Ramsey..

But a week later Ramsey suddenly get be mad to Dylan with no reason... then Dylan was SAD ANGRY AND DISAPPOINTED to Ramsey... 
then a couple day later Ramsey do the same thing to another girl her name was Jenny.. then jenny fall for him just like Dylan in the first time! before Dylan knew Ramsey and Jenny get closer.. jenny and Dylan like best friend when Dylan find jenny and ramsey get closer everyday Dylan and jenny no longger be best friend cause jenny was like a dick to Dylan.. because jenny had already knew that Dylan fall for Ramsey....
Now jenny and Ramsey get more closer! and Closer! but Dylan just keep that felling in her deepest heart! then Ramsey just Dylan memory!

till' now jenny and ramsey still Closer. once a day ramsey "STUDY DATE" at jenny house.... then jenny tweet on twitter like this "Thanks you've played to my house, I am very happy: ')" hmmmmmmm  on that sentence definitely  that jenny fall for Ramsey..... but in these past day i think jenny get the same problem like Dylan GET IGNORE BY HIM! hmmmm let we see another week how there relationship begun!

Tobe Continued..